Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Are there stock market experts?

If stock market experts were so expert,
they would be buying stock,
not selling advice.

- Norman Augustine

using the brain(s)......

I not only use all the brains that I have,
but all that I can borrow.

- Woodrow Wilson

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Life isn't serious

NoT a shred of evidence
exists in favour of the idea that
LIFE is serious.

- Berndam Gill.

Right choices

Remebering that I would be dead soon is the most important
tool I have encountered to help me make the right choices in life.

- Steve Jobs,
ex CEO, Apple

Work, work and work not..........

WORK is a slice of your life.
It is not the entire PIZZA.

- Jacquelyn Mitchard.

Live well

People who cannot find time for recreation
are obliged to find time for illness.

- John Wanamaker.

A watchdog

Conscience warns as a friend
before it punishes as a judge.

- King Stanislas I

Cause of war

These (political & ideological) thoughts are the very factors
that divide human beings and bring about conflict and war.

- JK

No room for hostile tendencies

In the vicinity of unified awareness,
hostile tendencies disappear.

- Yoga Sutras compiled by sage Patanjali