Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Need a sapling?

Do you love ЁЯМ▓ trees?
Need a sapling?
The problem in densely populated city is hardly any space for growing big, shade giving trees. Forget creating canopies.

Then should that dream be blown out?

What best could we do when faced with constraints?
The God opens up newer ways.

You can grow the saplings in pots.
Growing saplings just needs your love, not plenty of water. Even just a mug of water a day would suffice.

When they grow to about two, three feet of height, you may request schools, temples with amble spaces, with care takers to accept your tree offerings. Number of Ngos dedicate themselves to tree planting, environment protection.  You can call them up also.  They will gladly accept and grow your trees.

"Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.” 

— Kahlil Gabran

Monday, May 13, 2024

Walk Your way to robust health

Be in the open air as much as possible, and take good long walks and work hard. The muscles of the leg should be as hard as iron.

- Swami Vivekanand 

From “The East and the West,” originally written in Bengali. Complete Works, 5. 488.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Psychological First Aid


"We can’t heal the world today but we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, an act of kindness.”

– Mary Davis

We all talk of absence of moral education period, in this rat race world. What matters is cramming and vomiting out - garbage in garbage out, GIGO - to only score. When New Education Policy aims to shift from rote learning, all nay Sayers are up in arms. My God.

Apart from Moral education, yet another quintessential learning we fail in pedagogy is not giving even a tiny heed on "First Aid Training".  True, everywhere, be it in school campuses, buses we sport a First Aid ⛑️ Kit Box. It simply serves as another fixture in the premises.  What about training?  Is it in any syllabi?

We may not be able to heal every one so distraught. Just a holding of the one in pain and saying, "pray ЁЯЩП for you. And everything will be alright" can serve as a ray of hope.  Hope, faith is the First step on the journey of healing.

Om Shanti.

The title is a clinical term.
Info courtesy:
Ms Lakshmi Sankaran,
Dy Director -
Chennai Express, edn 11.05.2024

Thursday, May 2, 2024


 "If You Wait For Perfect Conditions To Seize An Opportunity, You'll Be Waiting Till The Day You Die."

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Be kind whenever possible,
It is 

- HH Dalai Lama 

Saturday, April 13, 2024











Satyameva Jayate

Mundaka Upanishad

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Be on command

 You may not control all the events

That happen to you,

But you can decide

Not to be reduced by them.

- Maya Angelou

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Goddess....

The worst deficit
In the world is 
Not any fiscal deficit.

Insufficiency is in
Failing to respect 
The spouse.

It takes a
Bhagavan Ramakrishna
To celebrate His
Better off,
Ma Sarada Devi.

Every devotee 
of Him
Is His follower
The one 
To Toe 
His line.

Friday, January 26, 2024

родை рокூроЪроо் - 2024 роХுрой்ро▒роХ்роХுроЯி Fervour

The unfortunate thing is history isn't handed down systematically down the generations. There are scientists, technocrats, professional accountants, legal luminaries, yet only a negligible number of historians.  To chronicle the genesis, the raison d'etre and the benefits of any good, especially the spiritual, event.

Thank God.

The Gen next with all fervour carry on religiously the legacies of ancestors.  

The Pada yatra, pilgrimage to Palani and роХுрой்ро▒роХ்роХுроЯி on the eve of Thai Poosam is an annual phenomenon closely after Thai Pongal Festival in Jan-Feb.
This time 2024 as usual the devotees walked about 39000 steps, 26.5 kms from Devakottai to Kuntrakudi. Notable one was, a number of overseas residents too flew down especially for this spiritual padayatra sankalp.

Enroute raining of all goodies

The Good Samaritans encouraged the yatrikas by offering biscuits, coffee, tea, buttermilk, panakam, channa sundal, juicy oranges, cool cool cucumber, chocolates et al.  The first halt was at the campus of Sarada College. Good hearts treated the yatrikas with steamy, hot rice uppma for breakfast.

The next, a little long halt was at Managiri, 18 km away from Devakottai. To relax, as Sun ☀️ God would be at His peak during noon and afternoon.

Thank all philanthropists, the coherent community for their generous and liberal Annadanam to thousands of devotees both at Managiri and Kuntrakudi.

What made, more than anything, were the devotional high peppy songs sung by god-gifted songsters, high spirited nadaswaram - davil combo, chanting mantras, the роХாро╡роЯி spinning, fast movements, dancing to the tunes of the songs and playing of nadaswaram and davils.

The yatra culminated with the darsn of Lord Shanmuganatha atop the hill.

Very good feeling despite killing pains in the legs.
Looking forward to stay strong and do the yatra in all the Poosams to come,

Saranam, Saranam Shanmuganatha.